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Draft Minutes, October 9, 2009
Salem Affordable Housing Trust Fund
Minutes of Meeting
Friday, October 9, 2009

A Planning Subcommittee meeting of the Salem Affordable Housing Trust Fund was held on Friday, October 9, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 313 at 120 Washington Street.

Members present were Aaron Allen, Kathleen Burke, Mary Dennesen, Jennifer Raitt, and Leonette Strout.  Also, Lynn Goonin Duncan, Director of the Department of Planning and Community Development was present.

Members absent were Mayor Driscoll, Councillor Jean Pelletier, Councillor Matthew A. Veno, Chad Colarusso, Lucy Corchado, Mary Lauby, and Andrew Meegan.

Approval of Meeting Minutes
There being no quorum, Kathleen Burke motioned to move this item aside and to proceed with the next item, seconded by Leonette Strout, all agreed.  

Update on home@last materials
Lynn Goonin Duncan explained that the City received a $2,000 grant from Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA) to produce affordable housing educational materials.  Lynn said that these materials can be posted electronically on the City’s website as well.  Also, she suggested that the board may want to think about holding back a small amount of funds in case additional funding is needed to cover the cost to produce the materials.  Jenny Raitt stated that she has worked with other communities on similar projects and the cost of materials has been approximately $1,500.  Jenny explained that she has volunteered her services for this effort and that she and Jennifer Kolodziej will be working together to produce the materials by the December board meeting.  Lynn and the board expressed appreciation to Jenny for volunteering her time and expertise.  

Update on 5-Year Consolidated Plan
Lynn Goonin Duncan explained to the group that the City is undertaking its Five-Year Consolidated Plan process in which the City identifies the goals and objectives for the next five years.  The types of things that are usually funded through the City’s Community Development Block Grant funds are first-time homebuyer programs, housing rehabilitation, and social services to benefit low- and moderate-income individuals and neighborhoods.   

Lynn informed the group that the Planning Department has arranged for the Affordable Housing Trust Fund board to host a focus group meeting at their next monthly meeting on November 13th.  Members will be provided with guidance booklets before the meeting.  These booklets will be available to the public after October 20th.  The purpose of the focus group is to dialogue with the consultant (Community Opportunities Group) hired to do the plan.  It will be a great opportunity to talk about housing needs in the community and also a possible opportunity for more visibility for the Trust among local social service agencies.  At the meeting, Jenny will introduce the group and give a brief overview of efforts the Trust has undertaken. Attendees can feel free to raise issues for which they do not yet have the answers. One possible issue to bring up could be needs around foreclosures. Others involved with affordable housing will be invited to attend the meeting.  Also, members can feel free to attend some of the other community focus group meetings, such as those that are being held at the Salem Council on Aging, Salem Housing Authority, or Salem State College.  The City will need comments from the group by November 20th.  The City will work with the consultant to develop a plan based on the identified needs.  

Guidelines for Distribution of Funds
The board reviewed draft guidelines that outlined funding priorities, eligible projects, and the application process put together by Jennifer Kolodziej.  The group explored the idea of accepting applications on a rolling basis (first-come, first-serve).  Aaron Allen raised the issue of the approval process, such as whether to have a sub-committee vote on the proposals or the full board.  Jenny Raitt suggested that the board as a whole vote on any applications received and if in the future, the board was able to fund larger scale projects that a sub-committee could be formed to review the site, ask questions of the developer etc.  Jenny noted that if the group were to meet quarterly in the future, then it may not be able to serve those applicants with immediate needs.  Also, Lynn Goonin Duncan suggested that when the board is nearing the end of its funds, it could prioritize based on severity of need.  Lynn suggested that the board work on getting guidelines together and in place and then work on getting full board participation.  Jenny will help with the revisions and then the board will revisit this topic in December.

Jenny Raitt announced that her membership term will be ending in December and that she will not be renewing her service to the board.  Board members expressed that it will be a great loss to the board.  Other board members’ terms will be reviewed before the December meeting.  

As an aside, Lynn Goonin Duncan informed that group that Salem City Council will be discussing an Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance for the City.  (The Trust Fund board previously explored advocating for this ordinance.)  She surmised that potentially more councillors would be interesting in participating in the board with this effort being discussed.

There being no further business, Mary Dennesen motioned to adjourn, seconded by Aaron Allen, all agreed. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Jennifer Kolodziej
Housing Coordinator
City of Salem
Department of Planning & Community Development